Academic Project
Design and Structure Studio, Damascus University 
Individual Work
Software used:
Rhino, Grasshopper 
Concept Design:
I controlled the open and close extent of the shape of patterns according to the concept of original surface patterns around districts that need sunshine are to be open more, permitting more sunlight to get through.
Movement Study:
1- The tunnel was used for passengers who already booked their tickets before going to the station, or for passengers who don’t need to check in.
2- While the waiting hall was used for passengers who waiting their trains.
Structure & Elevation pattern development:
The picture illustrate how I generate the structure that adapt to the form of cells on a plan or a complex curve. As seen we finally get a concise and stable structure formation.
The undulating and fluid exterior is generated with a triple layer structural system to support the clear spans of the interior’s 80 meter width. Threaded connection with space frame structure (3D truss).

The structural system was studied and experimented using Rhino Grasshopper and Karamba3D.
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